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  2. Reporting. Impact Reports and Susurate

Reporting on Impact Initiatives: A Guide for Organisation Administrators

Find and complete Impact Initiative Reports


            This article is written in the view of the Organisation Administrator who will complete reports. SuperAdmins can access all organisations and complete reports, so too can group admins (for the linked Organisations).

            What is an Impact Initiative Report?

            Impact Initiative Reports are generated based on a specific set of indicators linked to each initiative. Your platform administrators may have connected your organisation’s profile to one or more initiatives, each generating a unique report that contributes to the overall Impact reports, based on the data you capture.


            Where do I report?

            Requirments in order to complete Impact Initiative Reports

            - You must have an approved user profile
            - Your organisation must be added to the portal
            -- The organisation profile must be active and approved
            -- The organisation profile must be connected to the specific initiative
            - Your profile must be an adminstrator of the organisation profile

            - The initiative must have an avaliable reporting period which is to be completed

            Accessing your initiative reports


            1. Access your portal and Login
            2. Navigate to 'organisations' from the left-hand menu > search and click on your organisation profile
            3. Select the Initiative for which this organisation profile is connected to > and then click Report now



              Completing your Report

              On the reporting page:

              • Be sure you have selected the correct period (date range) for the data being captured.
              • Targets may guide you, however, this is to not influence your entry - kindly reach out to your administrator if you feel the target has been incorrectly assigned to your profile.
              • If you have nothing to report, please click 'nothing to report', the page will ask you for a comment.
              • Each indicator is managed independently and these populate charts and reports.